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Taic Ionnsachaidh

Extracurricular Activities at ICD


ICD offers an extensive range of extracurricular activities which take place before, during and after College, from Monday to Thursday.  Extracurricular activities after College commence at 3.30pm and end at 4.30pm. The Extracurricular Activities Co-ordinator issues, to all students, a timetable of activities available across each term.  All students are encouraged to participate in at least one extracurricular activity weekly. 


Students who need to travel home at 4.30pm by bus, after their extracurricular activity, can purchase a taxi ticket, at break or lunchtime, from the College Office.  The cost of the ticket is £2 and this will guarantee a taxi ride for them to either Dungannon or Armagh Bus Station, as appropriate, where they can board the next bus home.


Our PE Department excel in finding and nurturing young talent, encouraging students to support their local clubs at extracurricular activities. Our staff recognise the benefit gained from extracurricular activities, so facilitate student participation in many clubs, teams, societies and forums willingly.  The extracurricular activities are offered in response to student request, which is why they are so well attended. 


Students are encouraged to offer suggestions for additional extracurricular activities.  A suggestion for an additional activity should be presented by the Form Class Student Councillor for discussion at the next Student Council Meeting.  This will allow the Councillor from each class to feedback to their form group and gauge interest in the proposed activity.  If enough students are interested, the College will endeavour to provide the activity.


Excellent links have been established with:


  • Irish Football Association

  • Ulster Rugby Football Club

  • Ulster GAA Council

  • Canoe Association NI – Awol Outdoor Pursuits Centre

  • Local sports clubs.


Facilities at the College include a purpose built sports hall, gymnasium, fitness suite, ICT suite, classroom, dance studio, outdoor playing area, tennis courts and floodlit 3Gpitch approved for rugby, Gaelic football and soccer.  PE staff contribute greatly to the sports available through lessons and extra-curricular activities including:  netball, soccer, basketball, fitness training, athletics, cross-country running, rugby, orienteering, Gaelic football, hockey, hurling, camogie and volleyball. Other extra-curricular activities include: archery, ICT, College Choir, Performing Arts, Duke of Edinburgh Award, Homework Club and much more.


Our extra-curricular activities motto is ‘Something for Everyone’ reflecting our student-centred approach. 


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